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Fumei Campaign Memorial Hall

2019-12-25 14:19:32
Fumei Campaign Memorial Hall

  The Fumei Campaign Memorial Hall is located in Changxing Town, Meixian County, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. It consists of six parts: a memorial square, a monument, a campaign memorial hall, a martyr's tomb area, a visitor reception center, and an ecological parking lot. The building covers an area of 3300 square meters and is equipped with two exhibition halls. It is a social science historical themed memorial hall. The air conditioning system of the exhibition hall in the memorial hall mainly serves cultural relics, audiences, and staff, with diverse design requirements and high energy consumption, requiring high flexibility, energy conservation, and environmental protection of the air conditioning system. Yilong deeply explores customer needs, fully leverages its advantages such as complete product categories and advanced technology, and evaluates various air conditioning functional areas to optimize air conditioning system design. It adopts a one to two multi unit form, and the indoor unit can automatically adjust the air supply volume, fresh air ratio, and cooling and heating capacity according to indoor load, achieving efficient and energy-saving operation while ensuring air quality in the use area.

  In terms of public cultural building services, Yilong HVAC has rich experience and relies on strong brand strength and excellent design solutions to provide high-quality air conditioning equipment for public cultural units in multiple provinces and cities across the country.

  Remember history, inspire the present, and reveal the future. The completion of the Baoji Fumei Campaign Memorial Hall has condensed the wisdom and spirit of Communist Party members here. Standing at the starting point of the new era, Chinese national enterprises and manufacturing industry also shoulder new missions. Today's Yilong will also have the vision of building a century old enterprise with core technology, drawing wisdom and strength from the struggles of revolutionary predecessors, overcoming obstacles and challenges, and forging ahead.


Next:Xu Beihong Memorial2019-12-25